Theres nothing I hate more than reading someones blog or watching a youtube video where that person is massively hyping up a product for you then to discover it's a US only product and that company does not ship to your country, I used some of the above companies as examples that do not ship to the UK although I am fully aware Sephora do offer UK shipping however some products on their site are not eligible e.g. New Benefit and Nars releases amongst many others. For a while I thought that was just how it goes and theres nothing I can do about it, until I heard about a company called Shipitto.
How does it work?
Shipitto are effectively the "middle man" in your purchase, you tell them what you want, they order it for you, it is sent to their warehouse where they then forward it to a shipping address of your choice.
How do I do it?
Last year I created my account with shipitto so I could order some things I wanted from Ulta, if you didn't read that post find it (here) I purchased a few things including the Lorac Pro Palette 2 which is a brand amongst others we are unable to get in the UK.
Firstly you must deposit the amount (in dollars) that you will need in your account to cover the costs of your order then within the shipitto website you create what they call an "assisted purchase" where you choose the website you are wanting to purchase from, most recently I bought some things from ColourPop, then you list out the items you want. You are limited to 10 items per assisted purchase. Along with listing the items you must attach the appropriate link to each item directing shipitto to the correct product and you must list the price of each item. Lastly you tell shipitto how much the website e.g. ColourPop charges for shipping to them, in my case they offered free shipping over a certain amount so it was nothing.
Once your assisted purchase is submitted you don't do anything more until Shipitto receive your parcel at their warehouse, at which time you will receive an email informing you that they have it and it is ready to be forwarded on to you, in order to do this you must log back into your account and choose how you would like your parcel to be sent to you.
How much does shipping cost?
There are many factors to be considered when choosing how you would like your parcel to be sent to you. Shipitto have the dimensions and weight of your parcel so they can calculate the cost with each potential sender all you need to do is choose which company you want to carry your parcel, if you want cover for loss and damage the price rises up and if you want it in say under a week the price goes up further. I however choose the most reasonable option to me which is Airmail Economy, I am not covered for loss and damage however I am covered for delivery arrival and although this option states your parcel can take over a month to arrive my most recent parcel took 11 days and the total cost of shipping was $11.62 (about £7) which I think is great. Included in that price is the $1 fee Shipitto take to send your parcel to you which is definitely reasonable.
Will I be hit with a customs charge?
When I received my first Shipitto order I made a stupid error on my declaration form which you must fill out before shipitto send you your parcel and I entered the wrong information about my parcel (unknowingly) so when my parcel arrived in the UK I was hit with a £15 handling and customs fee which is never good. This time around I filled out my declaration form correctly (I think) and had it delivered straight to home with no problems. You must state the item description e.g. make-up, the quantity and the total value of your parcel.
I hope this post was found helpful to some people! I know I wish I had read something like this before jumping in and ordering my first parcel as I may have avoided the nasty charge but you live and learn.
Visit Shipitto.
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